Friday, September 30, 2011

10 Jokes about Music

Check out these jokes about music. I think some are pretty good!

Q: How do you clean a messy tuba?
A: With a tuba toothpaste!

Q: Why are pianos so good at opening doors?
A: They have all different kinds of keys!!!

Q: What music do balloons hate?
A: Pop music!

Q: What part of the turkey is musical?
A: The drumstick!

Q: What is the difference between a fish and a piano?
A: You can't tuna fish!

Q: What has forty feet and sings?
A: The school choir!

Q: What is the loudest pet?
A: The Trum-pet.

Q: What kind of music do rocks like?
A: The Rolling Stones!

Q: Why did the girl sit on the ladder to sing?
A: She wanted to reach the high notes!

Q: What is the most musical bone?
A: The trom-bone!

 These jokes came from these sites:

So what good jokes have you heard lately? Write them in the Comments Box!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Complex Issue of Homework Part 2

This week’s post continues last week’s discussion about homework. Last week, I wrote mostly with the why of homework. This week is all about the who, what, where and how of homework.

Ideally, your child will just sit down and do his homework independently, with little or no prompting from you. However, as many parents will confirm, this is not always the case.
If there is more than one person available to give homework oversight, choose the person who is most likely to remain encouraging and unfrustrated. Someone who can see the positive in your child’s homework efforts. Sometimes, it helps to trade off.
Of course, there isn't always more than one person available. But if there are others to use, use them!
Dr. Harris Cooper, a psychology professor and director of the Program in Education at Duke University, has researched the issues surrounding homework. He provides these tips for supporting your child:
Be a stage manager. Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to do homework. Make sure necessary materials (paper, pencils, dictionary) are available.
Be a motivator. Homework provides a great opportunity for you to tell your child how important school is. Be positive about homework. The attitude you express will be the attitude your child acquires.
Be a role model. When your child does homework, don’t sit and watch TV. If your child is reading, you read, too. If your child is doing math, balance your checkbook. Help your child see that the skills he is practicing are related to things you do as an adult.
Be a monitor. Watch your child for signs of failure and frustration. If your child asks for help, provide guidance, not answers. If frustration sets in, suggest a short break.
Be a mentor. When the teacher asks that you play a role in homework, do it. If homework is meant to be done alone, stay away. Homework is a great way for kids to develop lifelong learning skills. Overinvolvement can be a bad thing.

Developing organizational skills is one of the top ways homework can be beneficial. Some people are just born organized. Not me and not most people I know. You can really help your child by helping her learn how to approach homework in an organized way. Encourage her to consider these questions:
  • What would be the best order to do this homework?
    • Start with the hardest to get it over with?
    • Start with the easiest to get the ball rolling?
    • Arrange assignments to match availability of adult help?
  • Decide before you start – do I have everything I need to complete each assignment?
    • pens
    • sharpened pencils
    • notebooks
    • textbooks
    • a good place to work (see next section)
    • dictionary
  • Most important question: Do I understand each assignment?
  • If I don’t, is there someone I can ask?

The place where homework is done can be essential and is quite individual. Some kids like to work close to other people, some prefer to work alone. Some kids need supervision, some do best when allowed to be independent. Sue Hubbard, M.D. Pediatrician (aka The Kid’s Doctor)has these recommendations for creating a space for homework (edited slightly to shorten it).
A good study space is critical to learning. It doesn't have to be completely silent, and often that’s not even possible in a larger household. Determine how your child studies best and create a space around that. For younger children, make the space someplace you can easily supervise the work and be readily available to answer questions. For older children, their bedroom may offer a quiet place to help them focus.
Attach a fold-down table to a wall. Another great solution for a small home is an inexpensive fold-down table. Organize supplies in baskets or a wheeled cart and buy a folding chair or stool from a flea market or garage sale. When the study center isn’t being used, everything can be stored out of sight in a nearby closet.
Consider a bedroom makeover. Rearrange the furniture in your child’s room to make space for a study area. Loft beds are ideal since they have storage drawers built in, plus they offer open space beneath the bed perfect for a desk, chair and bookcase.
Involve your children in decorating. If you let the kids pick out wall art and choose accessories for their homework area it will make the space seem more personal and inviting.
Devise a simple way to stay organized. A calendar and dry-erase board will help your child keep track of homework assignments and due dates. If more than one child will be using the space use color-coded folders, bins and binders to keep projects separated.
Reduce noise and distractions. Locating the homework center away from the TV and family traffic will allow your child to concentrate better.
Light bright. Your child’s homework space should be well lit to provide good reading light, as well as to keep your child alert while studying. Placing your child’s desk near a window for natural lighting also will help brighten his or her homework mood.
Establish a routine. The first step in creating a positive homework pathway for your child is by primarily creating a routine. As long as everyone makes a good faith effort to abide by the designated rules, children can expect to have a time and a place to focus on their homework. By being consistent, parents help their child develop good study habits.

  • Right after school?
  • After a play break?
  • After dinner?
  • First thing in the morning?
  • A combination of these?
Consider letting your child choose when he works on his home work and then expect him to stick with what he says.

We’re all so individual as to how much noise (music, others’ talking, TV, radio…) we can tolerate when we work. Help your child figure out his best balance. This may take some time to figure out.

Resources used Homework: Be a Stage Manager

You may have noticed that there are different opinions about the best homework stategies. That's because no two students, parents or families are alike. The point is, it takes time to create the best plan for helping your child with homework. Hang in there!
This series continues next week with some tips on communicating about homework issues with your child's teachers. Until then, what are some of your ways of dealing with homework?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cool Books about Music

Last week I wrote about Book/CD Sets about Music. This week's post has books about music. These books have no CDs attached (wish they did!), but they still have lots of good information about different types of music. I’ve included the call numbers so you’ll know what library sections to look in to find more books about music.
Sound Trackers Series
Rock ‘n’ Roll by Bob Brunning [J 781.66]
Starting with the first rock ‘n’ rollers, such as Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley, this book covers a wide range of early rockers. Chances are, whatever music you are listening to now, it was strongly influenced by these musicians.
Reggae by Bob Brunning [J 781.646]
Are you familiar with reggae music? It started in Jamaica, a tiny island country in the Caribbean Sea. Probably the most famous reggae musician in the US was Bob Marley (I love Bob Marley!). This book tracks some of the musicians of the reggae world. As with rock and roll, reggae probably influenced the music you listen to now.
Heavy Metal by Bob Brunning [J 781.66]
You may already know more about heavy metal music than I do. Although I certainly have heard a lot of this music, I never really developed much of a liking for it. But I know lots of kids who still listen to heavy metal. This book starts with AC/DC and Aerosmith and continues through Van Halen. Again, this music definitely influenced today’s music.
Other titles in this series:
1960s Pop
1970s Pop
1980s Pop
Crabtree Contact History of Music Series
The History of Pop by Ben Hubbard [J 784]
Pop is short for Popular Music. According to this book, all pop songs have things in common: a tune you remember, verses and choruses, certain instruments (guitars, bass, drums, keyboards and singing) and a few other things. Early pop music started in the 1950s with the world’s first pop star, Elvis Presley. This book covers the 1950s through the 1990s, plus into the 2000s.
The History of Hip Hop by Melanie J. Cornish [784]
Hip Hop music began in the early 1970s on the street of the South Bronx, in New York City. There are 4 parts that are important to hip hop. The MC writes the rhymes and then raps them over a beat. The DJ provides the musical background. The dancer dances to the music and beat. The graffiti artist creates art in places where DJs and MCs are making music. This book covers many hip hop artists.
Also in this series:
The History of Rock
What music do you listen to? Write it in the Comments Box!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fun Music Sites

Monday's post (Book/CD Sets about Music) was all about music and books. If music is your thing (or even if it isn't) check out some of these sites!

Fun Music Games

Sphinx Kids
This site is all about classical music. You can listen, create, and play matching games. If you like classical music or you just want to learn a little more about it, try this site!
Note: You may need to download a free Shockwave Player

PBS Kids
You can learn about jazz and become a band leader. I thought I made some pretty good music!

Rock on!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Complex Issue of Homework Part 1

I have very mixed feelings about homework. As a parent, I hated it. It caused all kinds of problems for my son with attention difficulties and I often felt like the heavy. In fact, I thought the best part of summer vacation was the lack of homework.

I wasn’t all that fond of homework as a teacher, either. I knew it had some value but I also knew how stressful it was for my students and their families.
When researching for this post, I found some tips and resources that would have been helpful to me as a parent and a teacher. I hope you find these tips helpful to you.

Good Homework
  • Introduces/encourages the development of organizational skills
  • Introduces/encourages the development of time management skills
  • Introduces/encourages the development of independent work habits
  • Is at the student’s independent level – is not too hard or too easy
  • Has a purpose that students understand
  • Reinforces what was learned in class
  • Gives practice to strengthen new skills
  • Informs teachers as to whether their teaching is effective
  • Informs parents as to what their children are learning

As a teacher, I can tell you that assigning homework that meets these criteria is not easy. Especially if the students in the class represent a range of skills and abilities. And every class has students that represent a range of skills and abilities.

Issues that make homework challenging
  • The work is too hard.
  • The reading level is too hard.
  • The work seems too easy or lame.
  • The child dislikes school and does not want to continue the misery at home.
  • The child has no desire to please the assigning teacher.
  • Struggling over homework provides the child with parent attention.
  • Attention issues interfere with listening during the lesson(s) when the skill/information was presented.
  • Attention issues make settling down and attending to homework close to impossible.
  • The child doesn't understand the directions/what is expected.
  • The child sees no point in working on the assignment.

Homework is not a simple subject! The good thing is many people have put a lot of thought into the issues surrounding homework and have provided suggestions. Here are some suggestions to get you started. Next week’s post will provide more.

Face it, kids often have very little power over what happens in their lives, especially about school. They have to go to school for 6 hours a day. They have to do homework. However, it’s possible to give kids some control over how they go about doing their homework. Consider these variables:
Who Most kids need some guidance during homework. Who does your child work best with? Mom? Dad? Sibling? Grandparent? Neighbor? I know of some parents who pay an older sibling (or trade off chores) to be the homework helper.
What What does your child want to work on first? Are there other choices – like type of paper used, color pen, etc.? What good thing happens when some/all of the work is done?
Where The place where homework is done can be important and quite individual. Some kids like to work close to other people, others prefer to work alone. Some kids need supervision, others do best when allowed to be independent.
When Right after school? After a play break? After dinner? First thing in the morning?
How Music on? At a desk? Sprawled on the floor? On the computer?

Each of these variables will be expanded upon in The Complex Issue of Homework Part 2. Meanwhile, please write some of your ideas or thoughts in the Comments box.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Book/CD Sets about Music

This week's books are all about music. But this is an odd subject for books. Music is sound. Sure, you can write about music, but wouldn’t it be nicer if you could hear it? So I searched and found some music books that also had CDs to back them up. Yay!
I’ve had great fun listening to these. I hope you will, too.

A Child’s Celebration of Classical Music [part of the Music for Little People series]
This CD has 7 tracks.
  • In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg (very exciting!)
  • Sleeping Beauty by Maurice Ravel (The waltz when Sleeping Beauty wakes up.)
  • Gerald McBoing Boing by Gail Kubik (not my favorite)
  • Music Box by Bobby McFerrin (He does all the sounds with his voice.)
  • Tubby the Tuba by George Kleinsinger (an old story from when I was a kid)
  • Water Music by G.F. Handel (famous classical tune)
  • Peter the Wolf by Sergei Prokofiev (I LOVE this story! Another one from my childhood.)

A Young Person's Guide to Music by Neil Ardley with music by Poul Ruders
I think this book and CD set would be best for someone who is already familiar with classical music. The book is dense with information
and the CD has music with no narration. If classical music is already your thing, this is for you.

Beethoven Lives Upstairs [book] by Barbara Nichol
Beethoven Lives Upstairs [CD] by Classical Kids
Although the book could be read by itself, you’d miss all the great music by Beethoven. The CD could be listened to without the book, but
then you’d miss the fantastic illustrations. I’d definitely use both together. Outstanding!
If you enjoy this set, Mr. Bach Comes to Call is also available in book and on CD.

The Magic Flute retold by Anne Gatti, illustrations by Peter Malone (book with CD)
The book retells the story of Mozart’s opera, The Magic Flute. The CD provides musical excerpts to go along with the text. The illustrations are beautiful and the music is, too. I am a huge Mozart fan, so I loved this set.

Can You Hear It? by William Lach and illustrated by art from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
This book is pure genius. It combines paintings from the Metropolitan Museum of Art with pieces of music. Each art-music combination is matched with prompts, asking us to listen for ways the music tells a story. Very fun.

You may have noticed that all these book/CD sets are about classical music. I like them, but I'd also hoped to find sets that show other kinds of music, like rock and roll, folk, reggae, hip hop and jazz. No luck. However, I’ll keep looking . Do you or your parents know of any? PLEASE write them in the Comments box!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sites About Giant Pandas, Wolves and Turtles - Fun!

The books in Monday's post, Another Great Nonfiction Series for Kids, featured books about giant pandas, wolves and turtles. The sites in today's Fun Friday post gives us more information about these animals. Check them out. Be sure to see the video in the last site. I had to watch it several times!

National Zoo
This site has coloring, a jigsaw puzzle, a mask craft, an activity book with lots of information about giant pandas and more.

Gulf of Maine Aquarium
Go to this site for turtle information, turtle crafts and ways you can help endangered turtles.

The Kids’ Times
This site has lots of information about 6 species of sea turtles.

Wolf Park
This site has wolf information, printable games and activities, and information about Wolf Park in Indiana.

National Geographic Kids
Be sure to click on each tab, especially the Video and Sound tab. It has a wonderful wolf video and an eerie wolf sound track.

I've enjoyed learning about these animals this week. I hope you have too. Do you have any animals you'd like to learn more about? Write them in the Comments box!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Guest Post: 7 Ways to Encourage Reluctant Readers

Today, Steve Reifman is graciously guest blogging. After reading his great ideas for encouraging reluctant readers, please go to his website, for more outstanding information.
Steve Reifman is a National Board Certified teacher in Santa Monica, CA. He is also the author of several books, including the soon-to-be-released Changing Kids' Lives One Quote at a Time (e-book)Eight Essentials for Empowered Teaching and Learning, K-8; and the Chase Manning Mysteries for kids 8-12. For tips and strategies on teaching the whole child, visit
7 Ways to Encourage Reluctant Readers
Steve Reifman
Reading is a tremendously appealing, satisfying activity, and children will become hooked once the adults in their lives consistently build it into their daily schedules. The key is getting children started.
The following seven strategies will help even the most reluctant reader become more enthusiastic about the endeavor. By employing the strategies described below, reading will become something that students do willingly, even eagerly, and the adults in their lives will not have to resort to trickery, bribery, manipulation, or any other tactic that will, at best, lead to temporary compliance. After all, we're striving to make reading a joyous lifelong habit.

  1. Start with the child's passions.  Children will be more excited about reading when they can choose books or magazines related to their interests. This suggestion is far and away the most powerful one when it comes to encouraging those who are reluctant to read. When kids own the choice of what they will read, motivation increases significantly.
  2. Make reading a social experience.  Children who don't enjoy reading alone often enjoy reading with somebody else.  Children can read with their parents, siblings, other relatives, and friends. Some children even start mini-book clubs and discuss books related to their common interests.  Asking children to read to their younger siblings and cousins can powerfully impact their own motivation to read.
  3. Read aloud to children.  Many parents regularly read aloud to their children when they are very young, yet stop this activity as the kids get older.  Parents should read aloud to children throughout the elementary grades.  Doing so makes reading more enjoyable, improves listening skills, builds comprehension, lengthens attention spans, and grows the imagination.
  4.  Take advantage of new technology.  Children who may not find books interesting may enjoy reading the same texts on smart phones, computers, and electronic readers, such as the iPad or Kindle.  Technology makes everything seem cooler and more engaging to children, and we should capitalize on this fact when it comes to reading.
  5.  Be a role model to children.  When children see their parents reading frequently, discussing what they have read, and carrying books around, they will value reading to a greater extent.  The power of modeling cannot be underestimated.
  6. Camouflage reading.  Parents can increase the amount of time their children spend reading by subtly building the activity into other, seemingly unrelated activities.  Examples include reading menus at restaurants, reading the directions to board games, and looking at various websites together. Children who may not yet enjoy reading for its own sake may enjoy it tremendously when it's incorporated into other engaging pastimes.
  7. Be sure children read books that are appropriately challenging.  Many times kids don't want to read simply because the books they encounter are too difficult.  This seemingly obvious point is frequently forgotten. None of us want to encounter frustration, and we will go to great lengths to avoid experiences that make us feel this way. Appropriately challenging books are those in which students can fluently read approximately 95% of the words. Encountering a small number of difficult words can help children grow in their reading skills, but encountering too many of these words can interfere with fluency and lead to discouragement.

Commit to trying one or more these ideas to help your child become a more enthusiastic reader. Teaching the whole child means that we focus on developing children's academic skills, but just as important, we focus on children's attitudes about these skills. We want to raise children who read well and read because they want to do it, not because they have to do it.

Thanks Steve!
Please write your questions and comments for Steve in the Comments box.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Another Great Nonfiction Series for Kids

Last week, I wrote about An Outstanding Nonfiction Series for Kids. I’m always happy to find great nonfiction books for kids. I think the best are two-level. They give the right amount of information – not too much but enough to be interesting – throughout the regular pages and add more information at the end. These books all do this.

These books are all from Sylvan Dell Publishing. They read like stories but are factually accurate and give follow-up resources at the end. Enjoy!

Panda’s Earthquake Escape by Phyllis J. Perry, illustrated by Susan Detwiler
This is a fictional story of a real-life earthquake. A mother panda and her one-year-old cub flee to safety when an earthquake hits.
The story is well told and the illustrations are beautiful. The last pages give information about pandas and earthquakes.

One Wolf Calls by Scotti Cohn, illustrated by Susan Detwiler
On one level, this is a basic counting and calendar book. Written in rhyme, it also gives a strong sense of what a year would be like in the
world of wolves. The last pages gives information on wolf communication (love this!), fun facts, the wolf life cycle and more information.

Turtles in My Sandbox by Jennifer Keats Curtis, illustrated by Emanuel Schongut
A young girl finds a bunch of newly-laid diamondback terrapin eggs in her sandbox. She protects them, watches them hatch, cares for them and sets them free. Reading this, you can’t help but be jealous of the girl. The last pages give terrapin facts and a craft activity.

Where Should Turtle Be? by Susan Ring, illustrated by Laurie Allen Klein
A little turtle hatches on the beach and instead of heading to the ocean, he makes a wrong turn and heads the other way. Lost, he get advice from animals along the way. In the end, he returns to his beach and the ocean. This story is told in rhyme and begs to be a read-aloud. The last pages give lots of turtle information.

Count Down to Fall by Fran Hawk, illustrated by Sherry Neidigh
This is another counting book. Starting with 10 sweet gum leaves and ending with 1 quaking aspen leaf, it shows trees and animals getting ready for winter. The illustrations are beautiful and perfect for spotting details. The last pages give more information about trees.

What kind of subjects do you like learning more about? Write them in the Comments box!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Astronomy, Ballet and Sharks!

Here are sites about 3 of the topics featured in Monday's post about the The Best Book of... series.
Do puzzles, color pictures, learn new jokes and play activities.

New York City Ballet
On the left side, drop down on the Ballet is for Kids button. You’ll find an art gallery, puzzles, a coloring book (neat pictures!) and more.

Discovery Kids: Shark Munch
Use your arrow pad to help the shark capture fish and avoid divers with nets. Hope you do better than I did!

Hope these are fun!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to School Tips

Some kids are starting school this week; others have been back for a while. After a summer of less structure, getting back into school mode can be a challenge. Here are a few tips for getting off to a good start.

1. Establish a place to keep all school information.
  • Your child’s teacher(s) and contact information
  • Your child’s schedule
  • The school calendar
  • Documents such as report cards, behavior plan, Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), immunizations, any document you think you may want to refer to through the year
2. School Clothes
  • Inventory your child’s school clothes and discard/recycle mismatched socks, clothes that don’t fit, clothes your child doesn't like... Getting these things out of the way will streamline getting dressed for school
  • Consider setting out school clothes the night before. This greatly helps the morning preparations.
3. Morning Routine
  • Brainstorm with your child what needs to be done before he goes out the door in the morning. Things like getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing teeth…
  • Write it down! In the morning, if your child needs reminders, all you need to do is have her check her routine card.
  • Build in a reward. Checklist completed? Brainstorm what can happen (watch TV, get points towards a reward, computer time…)
4. Launching Pad
  • Establish a place near the front door to collect all that needs to go out the door. Things like backpacks, lunch, shoes, jackets – whatever you don’t want to have to search the house for.
5. Homework
  • Set up a routine. This is a very individual thing. A routine is best if your child has input.
  • Consider when your child is freshest and most motivated. Right after school? After dinner? For some kids, the morning is a good time. It’s risky, of course, but it’s something to consider.
  • If possible, establish a dedicated homework area. This will need to reflect your child’s work style. Some kids do just fine in their rooms, others need to be where you can monitor their on-task behavior.

These tips have come from 3 sources. Please check out them out for more ideas.
Friendship Circle
Pragmatic Mom
Stress Free Kids

Here are 2 sites that have downloadable resources you may find helpful.
Reading Rockets
School Family

Have a great start to the new school year! Please share any tips you have found that works for you and your family!

Monday, September 5, 2011

An Outstanding Nonfiction Series for Kids

I’ve just discovered a new books series, The Best Book of… by the publisher Kingfisher. This is an outstanding series.

Why do I like this series? It covers a WIDE range of subjects, each book is clearly written with lots (but not too much) of information on the page and the illustrations wonderfully support the text. Perfect!

Here are several of the books, but certainly not all. My local library system has over 30 books of the series. When I was teaching, I would have wanted the whole series in my classroom.

I see these books as great starting books on a subject. If you want to find out more about a subject, just go to the same area in the library to see what other books they have.

The Best Book of Bugs by Claire Llewellyn [J 595.7 Lle]
This book covers different types of bugs (spiders, bees, ants…). Information includes life cycles, habits, diet and other bug topics. The illustrations will appeal to any bug enthusiast.

The Best Book of Spaceships by Ian Graham [J 629.47 Gra]
Did you know that an astronaut's underwear is covered with this plastic tubes that contain water? I didn't either! This book tells you why and all sorts of other information. The illustrations are clear and kind of exciting - they really draw you in.

The Best Book of Ballet by Angela Wilkes [J 792.8 Wil]
This book is well organized and really takes you into ballet. Chapters include Famous Ballets, Learning to Dance, Costume and Makeup and lots more. The illustrations give a complete dance feeling, like they were drawn by a dancer.

The Best Book of Sharks by Claire Llewellyn [J 597.3 Lle]
Just as the ballet book's illustrations feel like dance, this book's illustrations show sharks in a very real way. It covers types of sharks, hunting, endangered sharks and more. If I were into sharks, I'd read this book over and over.

The Best Book of The Moon by Ian Graham [J 523.3 Lle]
This book covers a wide range of moon topics -  from myths to phases to eclipses to history to moonwalking and more. Did you know that scientists believe that the moon may once been part of Earth? An interesting thought...

The Best Book of Pirates by Barnaby Harward [J 910.45 Har]
I know my students always thought of pirates as fun subjects. Not really - they were thugs and thieves. However, their history is fascinating. This book explores the world of pirates, covering where they operated, their actions, pirate women, treasure and pirates today.

The Best Book of Gymnastics by Christine Morley [J 796.44]
This book covers the world of gymnastics: the many types, the training involved, competitions and more. The illustrations really drive home the strength and flexibility that a gymnast needs to be successful.

These are just a few of the books in this series. Some of the other subjects are:
  • Mummies
  • Dinosaurs
  • Polar Animals
  • Ponies
  • Snakes
  • Trains
  • Volcanoes

I hope you check some of them out. Let me know what you think!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fun Weather Sites for Budding Meteorologists

Monday's post gave you lots of books about weather (10 Books for Weather Enthusiasts). Today's post has weather websites for kids. Have fun!

Weather Wiz Kids
Go to this site for weather information, experiments, jokes and games.

The Weather Channel Kids!
This site has weather reports, education, games, videos and action plans.

Web Weather for Kids
On this site, you'll find weather information, stories, games and activities.

I had no idea there were such great sites about weather! I hope you'll check these out. Do you know others? Write them in the Comments box!