Monday, September 5, 2011

An Outstanding Nonfiction Series for Kids

I’ve just discovered a new books series, The Best Book of… by the publisher Kingfisher. This is an outstanding series.

Why do I like this series? It covers a WIDE range of subjects, each book is clearly written with lots (but not too much) of information on the page and the illustrations wonderfully support the text. Perfect!

Here are several of the books, but certainly not all. My local library system has over 30 books of the series. When I was teaching, I would have wanted the whole series in my classroom.

I see these books as great starting books on a subject. If you want to find out more about a subject, just go to the same area in the library to see what other books they have.

The Best Book of Bugs by Claire Llewellyn [J 595.7 Lle]
This book covers different types of bugs (spiders, bees, ants…). Information includes life cycles, habits, diet and other bug topics. The illustrations will appeal to any bug enthusiast.

The Best Book of Spaceships by Ian Graham [J 629.47 Gra]
Did you know that an astronaut's underwear is covered with this plastic tubes that contain water? I didn't either! This book tells you why and all sorts of other information. The illustrations are clear and kind of exciting - they really draw you in.

The Best Book of Ballet by Angela Wilkes [J 792.8 Wil]
This book is well organized and really takes you into ballet. Chapters include Famous Ballets, Learning to Dance, Costume and Makeup and lots more. The illustrations give a complete dance feeling, like they were drawn by a dancer.

The Best Book of Sharks by Claire Llewellyn [J 597.3 Lle]
Just as the ballet book's illustrations feel like dance, this book's illustrations show sharks in a very real way. It covers types of sharks, hunting, endangered sharks and more. If I were into sharks, I'd read this book over and over.

The Best Book of The Moon by Ian Graham [J 523.3 Lle]
This book covers a wide range of moon topics -  from myths to phases to eclipses to history to moonwalking and more. Did you know that scientists believe that the moon may once been part of Earth? An interesting thought...

The Best Book of Pirates by Barnaby Harward [J 910.45 Har]
I know my students always thought of pirates as fun subjects. Not really - they were thugs and thieves. However, their history is fascinating. This book explores the world of pirates, covering where they operated, their actions, pirate women, treasure and pirates today.

The Best Book of Gymnastics by Christine Morley [J 796.44]
This book covers the world of gymnastics: the many types, the training involved, competitions and more. The illustrations really drive home the strength and flexibility that a gymnast needs to be successful.

These are just a few of the books in this series. Some of the other subjects are:
  • Mummies
  • Dinosaurs
  • Polar Animals
  • Ponies
  • Snakes
  • Trains
  • Volcanoes

I hope you check some of them out. Let me know what you think!

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